
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ICDMerchandiseLineItem
Physical Name : DO_LTM_ICD_MR

A type of ICDLineItem that identifies and records the number of retail and ship units and unit cost for a StockItem being received, returned, transferred or shipped on an InventoryControlDocument.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) SerializedUnit(AS_UN_SRZ)
InventoryControlDocumentID (FK)(PK) The reference number that uniquely identifies the InventoryControlDocument. ID_ICD Identity integer
InventoryControlDocumentLineItemID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the LineItem within the confines of the InventoryControlDocument. IC_LTM_ICD LineNumber smallint
DestinationLocationID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN_DSTN Identity integer InventoryLocation(LO_LCN_INV)
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) Item(AS_ITM)
SupplierID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Supplier. ID_SPR Identity integer SupplierItem(AS_ITM_SPR)
SupplierItemID (FK) The code assigned by the supplier to uniquely identify the ITEM ID_ITM_SPR Identity integer SupplierItem(AS_ITM_SPR)
ItemDescription Description of the Item being Ordered or Delivered. Note: If retailer is ordering a new Item, the OrderDocument and AdvancedShippingDocument may not have an ItemID because it doesn't exist yet. DE_ITM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
InventoryConditionCode (FK) A code which uniquely identifies the condition for inventory being received, stored or shipped out by a retail store. These codes will signify good, broken, damaged, wrong, partial shipment, overage, etc. This code relates to the UCC code, Receiving Condition Code, data element 412. LU_CN_INV Code4 char(4) InventoryCondition(CO_CN_INV)
CostPerUnitTypeCode Defines the unit type the owned attribute costs are assigned to for this item. Valid unit types include: SALE UNIT, PACK UNIT and SHIP UNIT. A single SUPPLIER ITEM may in effect have 1 to three SUPPLIER ITEM BASE COST entities associated with it. TY_CST_UN Code2 char(2)
UnitCount A count of all item units (in the item-cost-per-unit-type) received or shipped in this document line item. QU_ITM Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
DamagedUnitCount A count of the damaged item units (in the item-cost-per-unit-type) received or shipped in this document line item. This count when subtracted from the document-line-item-unit-count yields the number received or shipped in good condition. QU_UN_DM Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
UnitBaseCostAmount The cost of the merchandise by itself exclusive of shipping and handling, duties and import fees, insurance, taxes and other logistic expenses that a store incurs to bring the item into the store. TC_UN_BS Money decimal(16,5)
UnitNetCostAmount The cost of the merchandise by itself plus shipping and handling, duties and import fees, insurance, taxes and other logistic expenses that a store incurs to bring the item into the store; and less any discounts or allowances allocated to the line item (hence the term NET). CP_UN_NT Money decimal(16,5)
UnitsShippedCount The count of units shipped versus the receiving count. This is subtracted from the document-line-item-unit-count to yield an over/under variance between what a supplier said was shipped and what was counted and received at by the store's staff. QU_UN_SHP Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
ChangeReasonCode A code that defines the reason for the difference between the quantity ordered and quantity shipped for a line item.This code relates to the UCC code, Line Item Change Reason Code, data element 892. RC_CHN_IDC Code2 char(2)
DocPreticketedFlag A flag indicating whether this line item has been preticketed by the SUPPLIER. FL_ITM_PRPTD Flag integer
PrepricedFlag A flag indicating whether or not the item is prepriced by the manufacturer. FL_ITM_PCD Flag integer
CustomerOrderID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the CustomerOrder. ID_ORD Identity integer CustomerOrderProductLineItem(DO_CTOLTM_PDT)
CustomerOrderLineItemSequenceNumber (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the LineItem within the confines of the CustomerOrder. IC_OR_LTM LineNumber smallint CustomerOrderProductLineItem(DO_CTOLTM_PDT)
SerialNumber (FK) A unique code, which can be either alpha, numeric or alpha-numeric, to identify an individual ITEM. ID_NMB_SRZ Name varchar(40) SerializedUnit(AS_UN_SRZ)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
InventoryLocation is specified by ICDMerchandiseLineItem
SerializedUnit is moved based on ICDMerchandiseLineItem
Item is transferred/ordered/received via ICDMerchandiseLineItem
InventoryCondition defines condition of ICDMerchandiseLineItem
SupplierItem is transferred/ordered/received via ICDMerchandiseLineItem
CustomerOrderProductLineItem causes creation of ICDMerchandiseLineItem
ICDMerchandiseLineItem may modify ICDMerchandiseLineItemModifier
ICDMerchandiseLineItem may be shipped in ShipmentContainerMerchandiseLineItem
ICDMerchandiseLineItem is posted to ItemInventoryJournalEntry
ICDMerchandiseLineItem is charged with ICDMerchandiseTaxLineItem
ICDMerchandiseLineItem is transferred/ordered/received via ICDMerchandiseSerializedUnit
ICDMerchandiseLineItem references ICDMerchandiseItemUnit
ICDLineItem can be a ICDMerchandiseLineItem

Logical Views containing ICDMerchandiseLineItem

Logical View
Logical 02000 - Item Inventory and Stock Ledger View
Logical 02100 - Item Inventory - Macro View
Logical 02110 - Item Inventory - Location View
Logical 02120 - Item Inventory - Order View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View
Logical 02309 - Retail Transaction Delivery
Logical 02316 - Distributed Order Management View
Logical 04000 - Financial Ledger - Macro View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View
Logical 05000 - Taxation - Macro View
Logical 05300 - Taxation - Inventory Control Document View
Logical 07620 - Customer Order - Inventory Control View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View